HealthTec Farm and Spa

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Causes of headaches

An estimated 45 million Americans experience chronic headaches. For at least half of these people, the problem is severe and sometimes disabling. It can also be costly: headache sufferers make over 8 million visits a year to doctor's offices. Migraine victims alone lose over 157 million workdays because of headache pain.

Why Does it Hurt?

What hurts when you have a headache? Several areas of the head can hurt, including a network of nerves which extends over the scalp and certain nerves in the face, mouth, and throat. Also sensitive to pain, because they contain delicate nerve fibers, are the muscles of the head and blood vessels found along the surface and at the base of the brain.

The bones of the skull and tissues of the brain itself, however, never hurt, because they lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers.

The ends of these pain-sensitive nerves, called nociceptors, can be stimulated by stress, muscular tension, dilated blood vessels, and other triggers of headache. Once stimulated, a nociceptor sends a message up the length of the nerve fiber to the nerve cells in the brain, signaling that a part of the body hurts. The message is determined by the location of the nociceptor. A person who suddenly realizes "My toe hurts," is responding to nociceptors in the foot that have been stimulated by the stubbing of a toe.

A number of chemicals help transmit pain-related information to the brain. Some of these chemicals are natural painkilling proteins called endorphins, Greek for "the morphine within." One theory suggests that people who suffer from severe headache and other types of chronic pain have lower levels of endorphins than people who are generally pain free.

When Should You See a Physician?

Not all headaches require medical attention. Some result from missed meals or occasional muscle tension and are easily remedied. But some types of headache are signals of more serious disorders, and call for prompt medical care. These include:

  • Sudden, severe headache
    Sudden, severe headache associated with a stiff neck
    Headache associated with fever
    Headache associated with convulsions
    Headache accompanied by confusion or loss of consciousness
    Headache following a blow on the head
    Headache associated with pain in the eye or ear
    Persistent headache in a person who was previously headache free
    Recurring headache in children
    Headache which interferes with normal life

A headache sufferer usually seeks help from a family practitioner. If the problem is not relieved by standard treatments, the patient may then be referred to a specialist--perhaps an internist or neurologist. Additional referrals may be made to psychologists


it is necessary to deal with any contributing factors such as: constipation, hormone balance, eye-sight, and other stressors.
For chronic headaches, try a short 24 hour fast with water and lemon juice. Follow the next day with apples, sprouts, salads and a small amount of brown rice. Keep the diet to whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. Keep the colon clean. Drink lots of fresh vegetable juice. Include wheat grass juice and other green drinks. Avoid chemical laced foods, wheat, salt, sugar, dairy foods (especially cheese), condiments, sulfites and MSG

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